1 in 6 children live in poverty in NZ.

Poverty in childhood has ongoing impacts on health, education and wellbeing.


15.4% of Kiwi kids live in low-income households


Food prices have increased by 12%


Cost of living for the average household has increased by 7.7%


10.3% experience material hardship ie they go without six or more essential items

What can we do?

The situation seems bleak – and the need is growing. But we can make a difference. When we do provide kids with warm clothes, good shoes, nutritious food and health items, they are able to learn, thrive and have their best chance of escaping poverty. This what teachers say about the impact of these basics: 

“Everything improves – behaviour, social skills, everything. If you give a child food, warmth and a nice regular environment, they will flourish. Like if you give a seed water and sunlight, it will grow. It just happens. They rejoice as they learn more. They tell us “I got that, teacher! I can count to 10 now!”. So you are building those steps, that pathway to success.” – Teacher at a KidsCan partner Early Learning Centre 


When we lift those on the bottom rung of the ladder up, we all thrive.

Being at school, getting an education, is their best shot at getting out of poverty. Every parent I meet wants that - they want their kids to be able to do something better or greater than they’ve done themselves. There are just a lot of barriers standing in the way. Charities like KidsCan are so hugely important in removing those barriers. .”
- - Principal at KidsCan Partner School

Ways you can help.

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