Can you help by giving monthly?

A child who is cold, wet and hungry isn’t a child who is learning. A monthly donation helps us keep kids in need fed, warm and able to focus in class. Not once, but every day. For the long haul.

Make a one-off donation

Wrap a child in support this winter


With food price inflation at its highest in 36 years, families are struggling to afford the very basics. And children are paying the price - with their education. Thousands of Kiwi kids are too hungry, cold or unwell to focus in class - or attend school at all. They’re being left behind in a “cost-of-learning” crisis.  


That’s why we’ve launched an urgent Winter Appeal, backed by our amazing Principal Partner Meridian Energy. We’d love you to get behind us.


Join us with a monthly donation or a one off donation and help feed kids affected by the cost of learning crisis. 






We can change this. But we need your help.

We want to be there for kids for the long-haul and reach many more on our waitlist. But with our own costs rising, it’s getting harder.  


We need more people to donate monthly so we can sustain our support, reach more kids… and wrap them in support for as long as they need us.  


Will you help? 

“Families are having to ration food, and it's really sad. I don't think we realise how hunger affects our kids. Not just their behaviour, but their want to be here, their want and need to learn.” – School social worker 

“We've got kids who turn up in bare feet with just a shirt and shorts and it’s freezing. They’ve been conditioned to accept that - they wouldn’t know any different” - Teacher

Give monthly

Change a child's life today.

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The power of a regular gift

Why give monthly?

Daily impact.

An ongoing gift offers stability and continuity to kids in need. With you alongside us, we can keep children fed, clothed and healthy for as long as they need us.

Less admin, more support.

A monthly gift is cost-effective for us to process – so more of your money goes to our work on the ground in schools and preschools.

Strength in numbers.

An ongoing gift means you’ll be part of a ‘Village’ of like-minded Kiwis – shaping a better future for all our children.


How will the money raised be spent?
Can education really help break the cycle of poverty?
How do you ensure your support reaches the children who need it most?​
Doesn't the government now provide school lunches?
How do you support schools?
How do you support early childhood education centres?
Will I get a tax receipt for my monthly donations?
My family is struggling – can I get food from KidsCan?

How it works

The journey of your donations.


Generous Kiwis donate money to help give all children the best possible chance in life.


Schools and ECEs place their orders online with KidsCan based on their children's needs.


Our warehouse team and volunteers pack food, raincoats, shoes and basic health items to be delivered to over 1,000 Schools and ECEs around NZ.


Children experience your kindness daily and are fed, warm and dry - ready to learn.

All the ways you can help.

Give monthly.

Give once.

Fundraise for us.

Become a partner.